Don’t you just envy people who always keep up with their reading? You may be surprised to know that a quick reading speed is not the only way to get caught up. It’s those who devote an adequate amount of TIME to do their reading are also the ones who are not haunted by their “to read stack.”

That makes sense, you say, BUT you’re feeling time-starved? It’s really as simple as being intentional about wanting to make more time to read.

Review these common-sense suggestions and see which ones you already do and which ones you can start doing to relieve your reading guilt and get more reading done:

Capitalize on free moments by always having something with you from your reading pile – be it digital or on paper – and kept in your car, in your purse or briefcase, etc.  An unexpected delay in an appointment is now viewed as a gift of time.

Watch less (or no) TV! If you watch an hour or more of television a day, just think how much reading you could get done if you swapped some TV time with reading just a few days a week!

Only read things that are of value to you so you don’t waste your precious reading time on useless material.  Check out this past blog post on how to easily to do this:

Plan it! Make an appointment with yourself during work hours (this may mean moving to a conference room to get peace and quiet), on weekends (you can read while kids are watching cartoons) or during your commute (if you have one where you’re not driving!)

Listen to podcasts and audiobooks you have interest in. For some, it’s a refreshing change to learn auditorily. It’s also helpful for those who drive a lot and don’t have as much freedom to put their eyes on reading material. You can glean as much, or more, from listening to interviews, hearing other’s ideas and perspectives while gaining new insights.

Try to read more at your peak time(s) of day – your most mentally awake and alert times. If you are a morning person, then make some time then. If you are a night owl, carve out time after dark.

Upgrade your reading skills so however much time you do spend, you get a lot more accomplished! You can take our interactive reading course online OR if you prefer to learn auditorily, you can start by listening to the 10 Days to Faster Reading audiobook available on

Here’s to getting more time to read!

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